the Bilingual system at Lycée Louis Pasteur
The nursery school is intended for young children and traditionally comprises of three classes: PS (Petite Section), MS (Moyenne Section), GS (Grande Section).
At the French School Louis Pasteur, we welcome children from the age of two in TPS (Toute Petite Section), to familiarize them with the French language and prepare them for life in a group setting. A teaching staff, assisted by a specialized assistant, plans and organizes learning activities that revolve
around three areas:
- Mobilizing language in all its dimensions
- Acting, expressing oneself, understanding through physical activities
- Acting, expressing oneself, understanding through artistic activities
- Building the first tools to structure one’s thinking
- Exploring the world
The teacher delivers instruction in French, but numerous projects are regularly proposed to valorize all languages because language learning is much easier for young children, and speaking more than one language is an advantage that LFLP wishes to promote.
The progress and successes of our nursery students are recorded in a booklet. Teachers regularly communicate with parents to present their child’s progress.
From CP (Cour Préparatoire) to CM2 (Cour Moyen deuxième année)
Instruction is primarily delivered in French by a French-speaking teacher. Out of the 25 weekly teaching hours, 5 hours are offered in English. An English language teacher will teach for three hours to teach English and for 2 hours in co-teaching. This is a pedagogical approach that involves teaching all or part of a subject in a foreign language by both the English teacher and the French-speaking teacher. The goal is to enable students to acquire practical language skills by being immersed in authentic communication situations, which allows them to make connections between French and English. For non-French-speaking students who enter our system, support programs are offered to support mastery of the French language and onsolidate learning. Regular and constant monitoring is provided by a specialized teacher. For French-speaking students arriving in Nigeria, support classes in English are also offered outside of school hours.