Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (AEFE) (Agency for French Education Abroad)

The Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE) is a French national public establishment, placed under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs. It is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the network of French educational establishments abroad, approved by the ministry responsible for national education.
It is subject to Chapter II of Title V of Book IV of the French Education Code.
The objective of the Agency are:
- To ensure, in favor of children of French nationality residing abroad, public service relating to education; contribute to strengthening cooperation relations between French and foreign education systems for the benefit of French and foreign students.
- To contribute, in particular by welcoming foreign students, to the influence of the French language and culture.
- To prepare for French exams and diplomas under conditions equivalent to those of public education establishments in France.
The Agency also provides, for the benefit of all schools participating in French education abroad:
- The allocation of the resources it receives from the State to finance the educational functioning of establishments;
- The salaries of staff in the public service;
- Scholarships ;
- The organization of continuous training activities for staff, including non-tenured staff;
- The allocation of operating, equipment and investment grants; administrative and financial control.
- The Agency also offers excellence scholarships to the best foreign students in the network wishing to pursue their higher education in France. Each year, around 800 foreign students benefit from these “Excellence-Major” scholarships.
The Agency is administered by a board of directors comprising representatives of several ministries (Foreign Affairs, National Education, etc.), Parliament, the Assembly of French nationals living abroad, staff and parents of pupils. .
During the 2014-2015 school year, the network of French educational establishments abroad counted 494 establishments and ensured the education of 330,000 students, including approximately 124,000 French, in 135 countries . Some establishments operate under direct management:
74 of them are managed directly by the Agency, of which they are external services. These establishments are called “direct management” or “EGD”.
Some establishments are under agreement, such as the Lycée Français Louis Pasteur de Lagos. 156 establishments have signed an agreement with the AEFE and are managed by non-profit associations under local private law (parents’ associations more often than not and in Lagos, this association is the “French Association of Nigeria” or AFN).
Some establishments are partners. Approved establishments known as “partners” are also managed by associations under private law, French or foreign, and have signed a partnership agreement with the Agency. There are 264.
In terms of staff, the French education network abroad has around 6,400 seconded officials (1,100 expatriates, 5,300 residents) and 15,000 local recruits.
Accreditation by the French Ministry of Education certifies that the teaching provided by the school complies with the demands, curricula, teaching objectives and organizational rules of the French education system. All students from accredited schools can pursue their education in another French school without having to take an entry examination.
Schools are required to periodically prove that they meet accreditation criteria (acceptance of both French and foreign nationals, preparation for French examinations, employment of qualified French staff).
The overall 2013 budget for AEFE schools was 1,194 billion euros. The budget is based on the principle of co-financing, with tuition fees paid by families and subsidies provided by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. France is the only country with an overseas education system of this size, largely subsidized by public funds.
Means-tested scholarships are available to help families fund their children’s tuition. French schoolchildren aged 3 or more enrolled on the Register of French Nationals Living Abroad and attending a French School are entitled to this financial assistance.
Accreditation by the French Ministry of Education certifies that the teaching provided by the school complies with the demands, curricula, teaching objectives and organizational rules of the French education system. All students from accredited schools can pursue their education in another French school without having to take an entry examination.
Schools are required to periodically prove that they meet accreditation criteria (acceptance of both French and foreign nationals, preparation for French examinations, employment of qualified French staff).