Humanitarian projects and solidarity at the LFLP
The main axes of the moral and civic education program from elementary school to high school are linked to general educational purposes. They are defined by the law of July 8, 2013 of orientation and planning for the refoundation of the School of the French Republic. They are based on the principles and values enshrined in
-the great declaration of human rights,
-the International Convention on the Rights of the Child
-the Constitution of the Fifth Republic.
Moral and civic education focuses on the principles and values necessary for common life in a democratic society. It takes place within the secular framework which is that of the French Republic and the school. Its aim is to promote the development of an ability to live together in an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic. It implements four principles:
– autonomy in thinking and acting by oneself and with others and be able to argue one’s positions and choices (principle of autonomy)
– understanding the merits of the standards and rules governing individual and collective behavior, respecting them and acting in accordance with them (principle of discipline)
– recognizing the pluralism of opinions, convictions, beliefs and ways of life (principle of coexistence of freedoms)
– building social and political ties (principle of community of citizens)
Moral and civic education at the Lycée Français gives priority to engaging students and carrying out solidarity and humanitarian projects.
Many solidarity projects set up at the LFLP
The Lycée Louis Pasteur encourages, promotes and helps to implement solidarity and humanitarian projects at the initiative of students and classes. For example in 2020,
– Solidarity Christmas market for nursery classes: Sale of objects made by our little students, money collected donated to an association of children with Down’s syndrome.
-Online chess tournament, registration money collected and donated to an association of underprivileged chess players.
-Collection of clothes and toys for children from disadvantaged neighborhoods in partnership with the charities Nbari Nbajo Community Art Center, Jelosimi Art foundation, Life foundation, Motherless Babies.
– Solidarity Christmas market for nursery classes: Sale of objects made by our little students, money collected donated to an association of children with Down’s syndrome.
-Online chess tournament, registration money collected and donated to an association of underprivileged chess players.
-Collection of clothes and toys for children from disadvantaged neighborhoods in partnership with the charities Nbari Nbajo Community Art Center, Jelosimi Art foundation, Life foundation, Motherless Babies.