General Structure of The French School Lagos

The members sitting with voting rights are:
- The director
- Deputy Headmaster
- The Administrative and Financial Director
- The main education adviser
- The Director of primary classes
- A representative of the Embassy
- Students ‘and parents’ representatives
- Staff representatives (teachers and non-teachers)
Member serving in an advisory capacity:
- a representative of the management committee.
- Elaborate the establishment project
- Establishes internal regulations
- Adopts the school calendar respecting the texts in force
- Issues a notice:
- on the evolution of structures, the composition of classes and educational innovations, consistent with the school project.
- activities of associations and clubs operating within the establishment
- the functioning and quality of school life, hygiene, health and safety conditions, as well as the work to be carried out in these areas.
- school catering.
- the use of the resources allocated during the presentation of the establishment’s budget
The School Council is set up for one year and meets in ordinary session at the initiative of the school head once a quarter.
Parents wishing to contact the parents’ representatives on the School Board can do so at any time. Their contact details are accessible to the management secretariat.
Ex-officio members with voting rights- The school principal
- The parents’ representatives
- Teacher representatives
- The headteacher
- The Director of Financial Affairs
- The national education inspector
The school council adopts the school’s internal regulations on the proposal of the school director. This council must be consulted for advice on all questions relating to the functioning and life of the school, in particular on:- educational structures
- I organization of school time and calendar
- the school project or the establishment project in its 1st degree part on a proposal from the teachers’ council
- specific actions to ensure better use of the resources allocated to the school and good adaptation to its environment
- schooling conditions for disabled children taking into account local constraints
- the projects and the organization of discovery classes
- questions relating to hygiene, health and safety of students in school and extracurricular settings
- the principles for choosing teaching materials and tools;
- questions relating to reception, information to parents of pupils and general methods of their participation in school life.