The Lycée, Nursery, Primary and secondary school has a clinic open from 7am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
The nurse’s mission in our school is in line with the general policy of the French education system which is to promote the well-being and academic success of students.
- Precaution
- Promotion of health education
- – Integration and support for the success of pupils with special educational needs

Mme TOUBEAU Sandra (School nurse) – Mme NGOMBO Monique (Assistant nurse)
Introduced at the beginning of the 2016 school year, the educational health program covers all school grades, from nursery to high school. It provides a structure for the presentation of measures concerning the below :
- the protection of pupils’ health,
- educational activities related to the prevention of risk behaviour and the prevention of violence.
- the educational activities implemented in the lessons with reference to the school programme.
The implementation of the LFLP’s educational health program (PES) is a joint effort between the teachers and the school nurse. The content of this program is adapted to the needs and requests of students and teachers.