
The French School of Lagos was founded in 1958 by the Association Française du Nigeria (AFN). Before the current school was built in 1987 with the help of the French Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, it has moved to several places, in Ikoyi and in Victoria Island. Through an agreement signed in 1991 with the new AEFE (Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger), which is an agency of the French Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, the school is now linked with the French Authorities which give it a financial support to run.

In 1997, the French School becomes officially the “Lycée Français”. Extensions of the current building have been done in 1998 and in 2004. The Lycée Français of Lagos is one of the 494 school establishments depending on the AEFE in the world. In order to satisfy its educational mission, the AEFE is working close with the French Ministry of Education: it gives to the agency the possibility to hire teachers and administrative employees who are all French Civil Servants, trained and assessed by the Ministry.

The “Conseiller de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle” is the legal authority representing both Ministries, with the delegation of the French Ambassador. The pedagogy of the school, but also its organization and the running of the exams is managed by the Principal who is assisted by a Director for the Primary School, a CPE (“Conseiller Principal d’Education”) for the Secondary School and by an Administrative and Financial Director for all the other material issues.

The Establishment Council is the representative body in charge of taking these decisions concerning the organization of the school. Concerning the global running of the School (maintenance, investments, treasury, social issues, communication, etc…), the association in charge is the AFN, through its board council.

Our Management Committee team

The management committee (AFN Management Committee) elected from Ordinary and Associate members administrates the school with the following objectives:
(1) Promoting French culture and education according to the French Code of Education, following the French Ministry of Education’s program and in the spirit of the bilateral treaty between France and Nigeria on culture and education,
(2) Delivering official grades and diplomas: the school is mentioned on the list of homologated overseas educational institutions published annually on the Official Bulletin of the French National Education and can deliver French officials grades and diplomas.

For successful delivery of the assignment and support to the school, the school have assigned the following resource persons. We have assigned Engineers, Accountants, Lawyers, Communication Personnel’s and other relevant skilled resources based on the services required at any given time.

Président : Guillaume Niarfeix
Exe Vice-Président : Tatiana Moussalli
Vice President: Yoann Friggi
Treasurer: Thomas Haendler
Secretary: Aurelie Odeyer
Member: Lara Kayode (Head of Legal Commission)
Member: Helene Ibru (Head of HR Commission)
Member: Billura Bernard (Member Communication Commission)
Member: Tatiana Moussalli (Head of project Commission)
Member: Guillaume Niarfeix (Head of Communication Commission)
Member: Thomas Haendler (Head of Finance Commission)
Member: Mariam Melchior (Member Finance Commission)
Member: Timi Olaoluwa (Member of HR Commission)
Member: Maxime Lacour (Member of Project Commission)


Tatiana Moussalli

Exe Vice-Président


Aurelie Odeyer



Lara Kayode

Member (Head of Legal Commission)


Helene Ibru

Member (Head of HR Commission)


Billura Bernard

Member (Communication Commission)


Mariam Melchior

Member (Finance Commission)


Timi Olaoluwa

Member (Head of HR Commission)


Maxime Lacour

Member (Project Commission)

Guillaume Niarfeix is the President of the Board of AFN and the Managing Director of SPIE OIL & GAS SERVICES NIGERIA.

A Senior Executive with a strong entrepreneurial flair and extensive experience in
industrial projects, risk, supply chain, and operations management. During his 20 years of industry experience – delivering complex projects in Africa, Middle-East or Asia – he has developed the unique competency to deal with uncertainties and set strategies leading to value creation and success. He has helped transform many organizations to make them more effective.

Guillaume holds several masters in Logistics, Supply Chain, Business, and Risk Management from the Grenoble Graduate School of Business and an Executive MBA from HEC Paris.

Guillaume has been living in Nigeria with his family since 2005.

Tatiana Moussalli est vice-présidente exécutive du conseil d'administration de l'APN et directrice générale adjointe du groupe Aims Consultants LTD/ Aim Group Nigeria.

Tatiana Moussalli Nouri est la PDG de Wazobia TV et Wazobia Max TV, basées à Lagos, au Nigeria. Elle est également directrice générale adjointe de AIM Group, un groupe multidisciplinaire qui offre des services dans les domaines de l’architecture et de l’ingénierie, de la radiodiffusion, des communications et de l’hôtellerie. Avant de joindre Aim Group, elle a travaillé pour Bouygues Construction en tant que chef de projet.

Elle dirige actuellement la première télévision en pidgin anglais au Nigeria et en Afrique, lancée en 2014, qui propose un contenu de divertissement familial et des programmes de haute qualité à un prix abordable pour le grand public. Elle a dirigé l’équipe de conception et de construction de la télévision, ainsi que l’approvisionnement et l’analyse de la valeur, en collaboration avec la société sœur de Wazobia TV, Aim Consultants Ltd. Elle est également l’actuelle directrice générale adjointe d’Aim Consultants, qui est spécialisée dans l’architecture, la conception technique et la gestion de projets, principalement d’infrastructures, au Nigeria et dans d’autres pays africains ; Aim compte parmi ses clients la Banque africaine de développement et la Banque mondiale.

Visionnaire et cofondatrice déjà en 2007 de la première station de radio en “pidgin english” au Nigeria et en Afrique, Wazobia FM, elle continue de superviser le portefeuille de 13 stations de radio, 4 plateformes de télévision et une société de production de divertissement au Nigeria. Son esprit d’entreprise a contribué à l’expansion et à la diversification du groupe, offrant davantage de services et d’impact social à la population nigériane.

Elle est membre du conseil d’administration de plusieurs organisations au Nigeria. Elle fait partie du conseil exécutif africain de la YPO (Young President Organization = Organisation des jeunes présidents), une organisation internationale à vocation entrepreneuriale présente dans plus de 130 pays à travers le monde, qui met l’accent sur l’apprentissage permanent et le développement personnel. Elle est membre du conseil d’administration du Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF), qui apporte un soutien financier aux habitants de l’État de Lagos pour la création d’emplois et de richesses et la lutte contre le chômage.

Elle est également vice-présidente du conseil d’administration du Lycée français de Lagos, où elle dirige le projet immobilier de réhabilitation et d’expansion de l’école.
Elle est également membre du conseil d’administration de l’association nigériane des stations de radio et chaines de télévisions indépendantes (IBAN). Elle a été membre du conseil d’administration du club de canot automobile de Lagos (Lagos Motorboat Club) pendant plus de 8 ans.

Elle est d’origine libanaise/palestinienne, est née et a grandi au Nigeria. Elle parle français, anglais et arabe. Elle est titulaire d’une licence en génie civile et environnementale de l’Université de Californie du Sud (2000) et de deux maîtrises en ingénierie des structures et gestion de la construction, respectivement du l’Institut de technologie du Massachusetts (2001) et de l’Université de Californie du Sud (2003). Elle est mariée, mère de trois enfants et pratiquante assidue de l’ashtanga yoga.

Lara Kayode est membre / chef de la commission juridique du conseil d'administration de l'AFN et fondatrice de O. Kayode & Co. Nigeria

Lara Kayode est la fondatrice du cabinet d’avocats O. Kayode & Co, basé à Lagos, au Nigeria. Ce cabinet spécialisé dans la propriété intellectuelle s’occupe de questions commerciales et d’entreprise, avec un accent particulier sur le droit de la propriété industrielle et intellectuelle, ainsi que sur la résolution alternative des conflits, avec un intérêt particulier pour la médiation. Elle a été admise en tant qu’avocate à la Cour suprême du Nigeria en 1992.

Elle est titulaire d’un master en droit du Queen Mary & Westfield College de l’Université de Londres, où elle a obtenu une maîtrise de droit de la propriété intellectuelle et des technologies de l’information. Elle a commencé sa carrière d’avocate en 1992 dans l’un des principaux cabinets de droit en propriété intellectuelle au Nigeria, avant de créer le cabinet d’avocats O. Kayode & Co en 1996. Lara Kayode est mondialement reconnue comme l’un des principaux praticiens de la propriété intellectuelle au Nigeria. Lara Kayode et son équipe d’O Kayode & Co gèrent actuellement les droits de propriété intellectuelle, notamment les portefeuilles de marques, de brevets et de dessins et modèles, pour des clients nationaux et internationaux respectivement.

Lara Kayode est une conférencière internationale et membre de plusieurs associations, notamment la section du droit des affaires de l’Association du barreau nigérian (NBA), l’IBA, le PTMG, l’ITMA et l’AIPP, l’INTA, dont elle a été la lauréate du prix du président en 2019. Elle est actuellement membre du conseil de la Chambre de commerce britannique du Nigeria.

Hélène Sexe Ibru est chef de la commission des ressources humaines du Conseil d'administration de l'APN et avocate.

Hélène Sexe-Ibru est avocate de profession, et une pédagogue dévouée avec plus de 15 ans d’expérience dans le secteur à différents niveaux allant du premier cycle du secondaire (collège) au deuxième cycle du secondaire (lycée), avec des élèves âgés de 11 à 18 ans, ainsi qu’un passage à l’école primaire (de 9 à 10 ans).

En tant qu’ancienne élève du Lycée Français Louis Pasteur, elle a été témoin de l’évolution de l’école depuis sa création et est bien placée pour aider à construire un nouveau chapitre et à atteindre de nouveaux sommets dans l’administration totale du système scolaire. Son bilinguisme et son biculturalisme (français et nigérian), ainsi que sa profonde compréhension des différents systèmes éducatifs et son ouverture sur le monde, lui ont permis d’acquérir les compétences culturelles et la perspicacité nécessaires pour faire progresser l’école, éduquer les élèves et améliorer la qualité des services éducatifs proposés.

Elle est passionnée par l’idée d’inspirer la réussite et a développé pleinement le potentiel de ses élèves. Elle a permis le développement de compétences tant académiques que non académiques, leur permettant ainsi de devenir des individus bien équilibrés. Elle croit en l’étude et la compréhension des différents styles d’apprentissage des élèves afin d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats et de renforcer l’estime de soi des élèves. Elle soutient fermement les dispositifs inclusifs et multiculturels permettant à chacun de s’épanouir grâce à une éducation holistique dans laquelle chaque facette positive de la personnalité de l’élève est encouragée à s’épanouir, favorisant ainsi le bien-être émotionnel et physique. Elle s’est avérée être un atout pour l’école en fournissant aux élèves des bases solides dans les départements de langue et de littérature
anglaises et a aidé à créer un milieu académique où ses stratégies d’enseignement ont permis aux élèves de trouver un sens en liant le programme d’études au monde qui les entoure. Elle a aidé à identifier les besoins de l’école et a fourni un développement du programme d’études par le biais de listes de lecture appropriées et de recommandations de contenu.

Nigeria Billura Bayramova Bernard est membre de la commission communication du conseil d'administration de l'APN et responsable commerciale et technique de Givaudan Nigeria.

Billura Bayramova- BERNARD est responsable des finances et de l’administration chez Givaudan. Elle a plus de 15 ans d’expérience dans le domaine de la finance et de l’administration des affaires pour PGC (produits de grande consommation) et d’autres institutions. Elle est titulaire d’un master en linguistique de l’Université d’État d’Azerbaïdjan et d’une licence en finance et économie de l’Université d’État d’Azerbaïdjan. Elle est titulaire d’un master en Finance et Économie de l’Université de Lund en Suède.

Mariam Melchior est membre de la commission finances du Conseil d'administration de l'AFN.

Mariam a plus de 15 ans d’expérience progressive dans diverses fonctions financières. Son expérience couvre la comptabilité, le contrôle financier, le reporting financier et de gestion, la trésorerie, le financement du commerce, la gestion du risque de crédit et le financement de projets.

Mariam est une directrice financière expérimentée dont les responsabilités impliquent la planification, la mise en œuvre et la gestion de toutes les activités financières dans un esprit de croissance couvrant des domaines tels que la planification des activités, la budgétisation, les prévisions, l’analyse financière, la gestion des liquidités, le maintien et l’établissement de relations avec les investisseurs, les recommandations stratégiques, le conseil et les rapports aux membres du conseil d’administration et aux cadres supérieurs.

Mariam joue un rôle clé dans la définition et l’exécution de la stratégie financière et opérationnelle de l’entreprise.

Mariam a travaillé pour plusieurs multinationales dans des secteurs variés, allant de la chimie aux matières premières agricoles (dites douces), la majeure partie de son expérience ayant été dans le secteur de l’énergie.

Mariam est associée au Chartered Institute of Management accountants (CIMA). Elle est titulaire d’un master en banque d’investissement et titres internationaux du Centre de l’ICMA, Reading, Berkshire et d’une licence en économie de l’Université de Reading, Berkshire.

Mariam parle couramment le français, est bénévole et associée d’une ONG appelée WIMBIZ, est une investisseuse providentielle active et une passionnée de gym.

Timi Olaoluwa est membre de la commission communication du conseil d'administration de l'AFN et également avocat de profession.

Elle est titulaire d’une licence en philosophie de l’Université de Lagos au Nigeria et de qualifications juridiques de l’Université de Hertfordshire et de la Westminster School of Law, toutes deux au Royaume-Uni, ainsi que d’un master en gestion des ressources humaines d’une université britannique réputée.

Elle a travaillé en tant que membre du personnel administratif et des ressources humaines chez Schlumberger Oilfield Services au Nigeria et a occupé divers postes similaires au Royaume-Uni. Elle est actuellement responsable du développement professionnel à l’école Foot Steps, à Ikoyi, à Lagos.

Maxime Lacour est membre du conseil d'administration de l'APN pour les projets/travaux et la maintenance et directeur national de LAYHER au Nigeria.

Maxime est un manager expérimenté, orienté vers les résultats, qui a une vaste expérienc dans le développement des affaires, la création et la gestion de succursales, la gestion des bénéfices & pertes et des projets dans des environnements internationaux, en particulier dans les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest pour les secteurs de l’industrie, de la construction et du pétrole et gaz.

Maxime est titulaire d’un master en chimie et d’un diplôme d’études supérieures en santé, sécurité et environnement (Université de Reims, France). Il a travaillé avec plusieurs organisations comme Schneider, Bureau Veritas, Lassarat, ALM International et travaille actuellement avec Layher en tant que responsable pays au Nigeria.

Coulibaby Dognimin (Member)

Mr. Coulibaly is an expert in building renovation, greenfield installation, logistics, and supplier management. He has worked in several African and European countries before settling in Nigeria. Mr. Coulibaby holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the City University of London and has two children at LFLP.

Yetunde Adepoju (Member)

Yetunde Adepoju is an accomplished professional with over 20 years of experience in Finance, IT, Project Management, and Entrepreneurship. She holds Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Computer Information Systems and IT Project Management respectively from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, and an MBA in Finance, Strategic Management, and Marketing from The University of Chicago – Booth School of Business. Yetunde has worked across multiple functions and industries, collaborating with businesses to help them achieve their strategic objectives through growth and value creation. Her career began at Reuters Inc., where she worked as a Systems Engineer, providing support to Financial Institutions and Investment Banks.

Later, she joined HSBC America, where she excelled in various areas such as Corporate Credit and Risk Management, Card Services, E-commerce, and Human Resources. Her contributions at HSBC included serving as a Business Performance and Transformation Manager, driving process improvements and efficiencies across the Consumer Lending business. Her exceptional performance led to her earning a Six Sigma Black Belt certification. At the Capital Group Companies, an Investment Management firm, Yetunde served as a Principal Financial Analyst in Corporate Finance. In this role, she led strategic planning, budgeting, analysis, reporting, and presentations to Executive Management, providing crucial insights to guide decision-making. Yetunde is a strong believer in lifelong learning and has acquired several certifications to further enhance her professional expertise. She holds certifications such as Project Management Professional, AWS Cloud Practitioner, Financial Accounting, and Management Consultant, among others.

In addition to her professional achievements, Yetunde is deeply committed to making a positive impact in her community. She is a Fellow of the Riordan Leadership Institute in Los Angeles, California, and actively served on the Board of Theatre of Hearts/Youth First in the same city. As an Entrepreneur, Yetunde is the Co-founder of a FinTech company that specializes in providing lifestyle financial solutions to individuals and organizations. She is also the owner of a party ware company and is a certified financial planning coach, dedicated to assisting individuals in gaining financial independence through personal finance. Yetunde is married and has two children.

Philippe BARRAULT (Membre)

Après ses études à l’École Centrale de Marseille et de l’IFP School-Paris, Philippe Barrault a rejoint TotalEnergies en 2005 au poste d’ingénieur réservoir pour la gestion des champs pétroliers et gaziers.

Il a occupé différents postes au siège de TotalEnergies et dans des filiales internationales ( en Indonésie, au Royaume-Uni et au Nigeria à Rivers state). Depuis l’été 2022, Philippe Barrault travaille dans le bureau de TotalEnergies EP à Lagos . Ses deux enfants sont actuellement élèves du LFLP.

Ses principaux centres d’intérêt sont les voyages et le temps passé en famille, l’histoire et le sport.

Tatiana Moussalli is the Executive Vice president of the Board of AFN and deputy Group Managing Director of Aims Consultants LTD/ Aim Group Nigeria.

Tatiana Moussalli Nouri is the CEO for Wazobia TV and Wazobia Max TV based in Lagos, Nigeria. She is also the Deputy Group Managing Director of AIM Group, a multidisciplinary group that offer services in Architecture and Engineering Service Broadcasting, Communications and Hospitality. Prior to joining Aim Group, she worked for Bouygues Construction as a Project Manager.

She currently heads the First Pidgin English Television in Nigeria and Africa launched in 2014, which delivers family entertainment content and high-quality programming at an affordable price to the general audience. She led the television design and build team, as well as the procurement and value engineering which was done in collaboration with Wazobia TV’s sister company, namely Aim Consultants Ltd. She is also the current Deputy Managing Director for Aim Consultants who specializes
in Architecture and Engineering Design and Project Management of mainly Infrastructural projects in Nigeria and other African countries; some of Aim clients include the African Development Bank and the World Bank.

A visionary and co-founder back in 2007 of the first « Pidgin English » Radio Station in Nigeria and Africa, Wazobia FM, she still oversees the portfolio of 13 radio stations, 4 Television platforms and an Entertainment Production company across Nigeria. Her entrepreneurship mindset has contributed to the scaling and diversification of the Group, offering more services and social impact to the people of Nigeria.

She is a board member of several organizations in Nigeria. She is on the Africa Executive Board YPO (Young President Organization), an Entrepreneurial International Organization present in over 130 countries worldwide, which focuses on constant learning and self-development. She is a board member of the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) which provides financial support to residents of
Lagos State, for job, wealth creation and tackles unemployment.

She is also the Vice President of the Executive Board of the French School in Lagos, where she is leading the real estate project on the rehabilitation and expansion of the school. She is also a board member of the Independent Broadcaster Association of Nigeria (IBAN). She served on the board member on the Lagos Motorboat Club, for over 8 years.

She is of Lebanese/Palestinian origins and was born and raised in Nigeria. She speaks French, English and Arabic. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Southern California (2000) and holds two Masters degrees in Structural Engineering and Construction Management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2001) and the University of Southern California (2003) respectively. She is married, a mother of three and a dedicated ashtanga yoga

Philippe BARRAULT (Member)

Philippe Barrault, after graduating from Ecole Centrale of Marseille and IFP school-Paris, joined TotalEnergies in 2005 as Reservoir engineer for the Oil and Gas field management.

After holding various positions in TotalEnergies Headquarters and international affiliates (Indonesia, UK, Nigeria Rivers state), Philippe was assigned to TotalEnergies EP Nigeria office in Lagos in the summer of 2022. His two children are currently pupils of the LFLP.

His main hobbies are traveling & spending time with the family, History, and sports.

Lara Kayode is a Member/ Head of Legal Commission of the Board of AFN and the founder of O. Kayode & Co. Nigeria

Lara Kayode is the founder of the law firm of O. Kayode & Co based in Lagos, Nigeria. An IP boutique firm, her practice covers both corporate and commercial matters, with a particular emphasis on industrial and intellectual property law, and alternative dispute resolution with a special interest in mediation. She was admitted as a Solicitor and Barrister of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in 1992.

She holds a Masters of Laws from the Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London, where she obtained an LLM in Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law. She began her Career as a practicing lawyer in 1992 with one of the leading intellectual property law firms in Nigeria, prior to setting up the Law firm of O. Kayode & Co in 1996. Lara Kayode is globally recognized as one of Nigeria’s leading IP practitioners. Lara Kayode and her team at O Kayode & Co currently manage the IPR’s comprising Trade mark, Patent and Design portfolios, for domestic and international clients respectively.

Lara Kayode is an international speaker and member of a number of associations including the Section of Business Law of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), IBA, PTMG, ITMA and AIPP, INTA, she was the President Awardee recipient in 2019. She currently is a member of Council at the Nigeria British Chamber of Commerce.

Helene Sexe Ibru is the Head of HR Commission of the Board of AFN and a Lawyer

Hélène Sexe-Ibru is a lawyer by profession, and a dedicated educationist with over 15 years of experience in the sector at various levels ranging from junior secondary (College) to Senior secondary (Lycée) and teaching pupils aged from 11 to 18 as well as a stint in primary school (age 9 to 10).

As an alumna of the Lycée Français Louis Pasteur, she has witnessed the school’s evolution from inception and is well poised to help build a great new chapter and facilitate new heights in the overall school system administration. Her fully bilingual and bi-national (French and Nigerian) background, as well as her profound understanding of various educational systems and her international outlook, have equipped her with the cultural competence and insight to further advance the school’s standing, nurture students and improve the quality of education services offered.

She is passionate about inspiring success and developed her students’ full potential and enabled the growth of both academic and non-academic skills, enabling them to become well-rounded individuals. She believes in studying and understanding students’ different learning styles in order to secure the best outcomes and build pupils’ self-esteem. She strongly supports inclusive, multicultural arrangements enabling everyone to thrive through the provision of holistic education whereby every positive facet of a pupil’s personality is encouraged to bloom, thus supporting both emotional and physical wellbeing. She proved to be an asset to the school by providing students with a strong foundation in the English language and literature
departments and helped to build an academic environment where her teaching strategies enabled students find meaning by connecting the curriculum to the world around them. She has helped to identify the school’s needs and provided curriculum development through appropriate reading lists and content recommendation.

Billura Bayramova Bernard is a Member of Communication Commission of the Board of AFN and Business & Technical Manager of Givaudan Nigeria

Billura Bayramova- BERNARD is finance/admin executive at Givaudan with over 15 years of experience in finance, business administration for FMCG and other institutions. She holds a Master degree in Linguistics from the State University of Azerbaijan and bachelor degree in Finance & Economics from the State University of Azerbaijan. She holds a Master degree in Finance & Economics from Lund University in Sweden.

Mariam Melchior is a member of the finance commission of the Board of AFN

Mariam has more than 15 years progressive experience in various finance functions. Her experience ranges from Accounting, Financial Control, Financial and Management reporting, Treasury, Trade Finance, Credit Risk Management and Project Finance.

Mariam is an experienced CFO whose responsibilities involve planning, implementing and managing all financial activities with a growth mindset covering areas such as Business planning, Budgeting, Forecasting, Financial analysis, Liquidity management, Maintaining and building investor relations, Providing strategic recommendations, Advising and reporting to Board members and C-level executive management.

Mariam plays a key role in defining and executing company financial and operational strategy.

Mariam has worked at several multinationals in varying sectors, spanning from Chemicals, Soft Commodities with most of her experience having been in the Energy sector.

Mariam is an associate of the Chartered Institute of Management accountants (CIMA). She has an MSc in Investment banking and International Securities from ICMA, Centre, Reading, Berkshire and a BA in Economics from Reading University, Berkshire.

Mariam speaks fluent French, is a volunteer and associate at an NGO called WIMBIZ, an active angel investor and fitness enthusiast.

Timi Olaoluwa is a member of the communication commission of the Board of AFN and also a lawyer by profession.

She has a BA in Philosophy from the University of Lagos in Nigeria and legal qualifications from the University of Hertfordshire and the Westminster School of Law both in the UK as well as an MSc in Human Resources Management also from a reputable UK University.

She has functioned as an Admin/HR staff in Schlumberger Oilfield Services Nigeria and in various similar positions in the UK; she is presently the Professional Development Manager for Foot Steps School, Ikoyi, Lagos.

Maxime Lacour is a member of Project/ Works & Maintenance of the Board of AFN and the Country Manager of LAYHER, Nigeria.

Maxime is an experienced results-oriented Manager who has vast experience
in business development, branch creation and management, P&L and Project management in international environments, especially in west Africa countries for industrial, construction and Oil & Gas sectors.

Maxime holds a Masters Degree in chemistry and a Post Graduate Degree in Health, Safety & Environment (Reims University, France). He has worked with several
organizations like Schneider, Bureau Veritas, Lassarat, ALM International and currently working with Layher as their Country Manager in Nigeria.